Title : Terrorist War zip name : Sin.zip file names : Sin.ini, sin.map, savegame.100, mission.ini Author : Steven (The Shadow) Compuserve Address : 101602,124 Internet Address : 101602.124@compuserve.com Thanks to : The authors of mixman and ccmap and the people I got some mission ideas from (the new colours thanks) Description : The leader of the new terrorist faction, S.I.N. (Spiritual International Nihilists), which stepped in when the Brotherhood of Nod was almost obliterated by the treacherous GDI, has started a campaign to end the suffering under GDI's rule of terror. You are one of his newly appointed generals. Your job is to carry out his will without question, disobedience means DEATH!, failure means DEATH! Briefing : In this region there is a GDI base which must be destroyed at all costs. This is high-tech warfare at it's most dangerous and deadly!. There is also a Brotherhood of Nod base which survived the . obliteration of their faction which may be of minimal resistance. Intelligence : To get to the GDI base you have to pass near a NOD base, they might attack you, but do not fire upon them unless they do because they will be attacking the GDI forces as they pass their base, this will be extremely useful to you and you may need to harness this tactic for you to succeed in this mission. ================================================================ * Play Information * Level and Map : Replaces SCB13EA.INI AND SCB13EA.MAP Difficulty : Hard, very hard Chances of Survival : Bleak, very bleak. Music : Some P.O.T.U.S.A. or Green Day * Construction * Base : extracted scb13.ini and .map erased everything and started building. Editor used : CCMAP v1.2 Bulid Time : 1 hour Known Bugs : None as of yet * Copyright / Permissions * You may edit this level with written consent only. You may distribute this level with this text file only. * Other Levels * All my levels can be found in either the Gamers Forum or the Modem Games Forum. Modem Games : C&C/WARCRAFT Gamers : Wargames (A-L), and these levels are as follows: WRATH.ZIP : The Wrath of NOD REVENGE.ZIP : The Revenge of the Brotherhood